Thursday, July 10, 2014

Don't Miss It

It's so easy to spend our lives looking and waiting for the next big thing. That's easy to do. And we are more likely to think that way when we compare our lives with others'... Look what so and so has, look how happy they are, look how successful my friend is, etc, etc. I think it was Theodore Roosevelt who said "comparison is the thief of joy." A good friend (Dave Sexton) used to challenge us after returning from mission trips which greatly increased our time with The Lord and consequently joy in Him--"don't let satan steal your joy." It's a fruit of the Spirit, and so are love, peace, patience, kindness goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. I am convinced that having Joy in our hearts helps the others thrive though. (Galatians 5:22-23)
And so if we spend our lives looking for that next big thing, we miss out on a lot of little things. Or maybe even the little thing right in front of us that would turn into a big thing if you were paying attention.
And I would miss a million sweet moments during the days.
the mischevious smile of Patrito as we play keep away with two little girls during recess
the brilliant stars that shine even brighter when when the lights go out in the middle of the AWANA program
hearing the guards singing hymns outside in the afternoons
Paulino proudly showing off his cartwheels
Small sticky hands sliding into mine as I walk to church
Kicking the futebol back to four little boys individually because for some reason they want me to be the one kicking it to them
Devotions with the group of bicyclist pastors and local pastors in Makua

And so many more, but these are a few of the lovely moments that I savor and thank God for placing me here to enjoy.

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